Timeless natural and architectural beauty is found within the
geographical boundaries of the Municipality of Bluewater.
Western shores meet powerful Lake Huron, famous for its sunsets,
and beaches. A bridge spanning the Bayfield River offers a glimpse
of the marinas to the west; creates its own misty vista to the east.
The agricultural lands provide open spaces and wooded areas.
Three villages within Bluewater offer heritage features with Bayfield
having a designated heritage commercial area and park. Hensall has
3 large grain mills, a rail line and a renowned ice sculpture business.
Zurich has a small down town with original buildings as well as a
large community centre/arena and an indoor paintball tournament
facility. Within Bluewater and nearby are the services to support a film production.
Municipality of Bluewater
E-mail: bluewater@town.bluewater.on.ca
Website: www.town.bluewater.on.ca